Copy the below graphics, and upload them to your server.
(just right-click, and choose save-as)

This is the webring graphic

And this is the background for the code fragment

After adding the HTML code to your page, the graphics should load from YOUR webpage, instead of from this page.

In other words, the HTML should look something like this:

<IMG SRC="sm_logo_uproar.gif" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="79" BORDER="0" ALIGN="Top">

instead of like this:

<IMG SRC="" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="79" BORDER="0" ALIGN="Top">

Please be sure your links show the ID that is assigned to you after submitting your page, as well as your own name & email address.


<!--Begin Copying Ring Code Fragement-->

<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=3 bordercolor=green CELLPADDING=2 ALIGN=Center BACKGROUND=cosmo-bkg.gif><TR><TD><P ALIGN=Center><FONT COLOR=White><IMG SRC="uproar-logo.gif" WIDTH="140" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="0"><BR><B>
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[<A HREF=";id=--id--;next">Next</A>]</B><BR><B>
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[<A HREF=";random">Random Site</A>]&nbsp;&nbsp;
[<A HREF=";list">List Sites</A>]</B></FONT>
<P ALIGN=Center><FONT COLOR=White> <B>This site is owned by <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">--Your name here--</A>.<BR> Would you like to join the <A HREF="">Uproar Websites Webring</A> ring, too?</B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>

<!--End Copying Ring Code Fragement-->

Other Graphics/Fragments You May Use:

For Fragment #2:

After adding the HTML code to your page, the graphics should load from YOUR webpage, instead of from this page.

In other words, the HTML should look like this:

<IMG SRC="sm_logo_uproar.gif" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="79" BORDER="0" ALIGN="Top">

instead of like this:

<IMG SRC="http:/" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="79" BORDER="0" ALIGN="Top">

Don't forget to change --id-- and the other yellow parts to match your site's assigned ID and information.

<!--Begin Copying Ring Code Fragement-->

<CENTER><TABLE><TR><TD><TABLE CELLPADDING="2"><TR><TD><P ALIGN=Center>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_new"><IMG SRC="sm_logo_uproar.gif" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="79" BORDER="0" ALIGN="Top"></A><BR><B>This <A HREF="">Uproar Websites Webring</A> site is owned by <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">--Your name here--</A>.</B></TD></TR><TR><TD><P ALIGN=Center>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<BR><B>
[<A HREF=";id=--id--;prev">Previous</A>][<A HREF=";id=--id--;next">Next</A>]</B><BR><B>
[<A HREF=";id=--id--;prev5">Previous 5 Sites</A>]
[<A HREF=";id=--id--;next5">Next 5 Sites</A>]<BR>
[<A HREF=";random">Random Site</A>]
[<A HREF=";list">List Sites</A>]</B><BR>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>

<!--End Copying Ring Code Fragement-->

Here's what it should look like:


This Uproar Websites Webring site is owned by --Your name here--.

[Previous 5 Sites][Next 5 Sites]
[Random Site][List Sites]


Or, if you prefer, here is a second set of code you can use. Don't forget to change --id-- and the other yellow information to match your site's assigned ID and information.

<!--Begin Copying Ring Code Fragement-->

<B>This <A HREF="">Uproar Websites Webring</A> site is owned by <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">--Your name here--</A>.</B><BR>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</TD></TR><TR><TD><P ALIGN=Center>
<A HREF=";id=--id--;prev"><IMG SRC="previous_uproar_2.gif" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="79" BORDER="0" ALIGN="Left"></A>
<A HREF=";id=--id--;next"><IMG SRC="next_uproar_2.gif" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="79" BORDER="0" ALIGN="Right"><BR></A><B>
[<A HREF=";id=--id--;prev">Previous</A>]
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[<A HREF=";id=--id--;prev5">Previous 5 Sites</A>]
[<A HREF=";id=--id--;next5">Next 5 Sites</A>]<BR>
[<A HREF=";random">Random Site</A>]
[<A HREF=";list">List Sites</A>]

<!--End Copying Ring Code Fragement-->

Here's what it should look like (except the links will have a number instead of --id--):

This Uproar Websites Webring site is owned by --Your name here--.

[Previous 5 Sites][Next 5 Sites]
[Random Site][List Sites]

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